Gray Cross

Founded in 1979, IPEKA Christian School originated from Rev. DR.William Hodaviah Hosana's profound concern regarding the difficulties Christian families encountered in locating a high-quality Christian school for their children. On July 16th, 1979, IPEKA Christian Kindergarten began its first academic year.

Under the auspices of the IPEKA Foundation, IPEKA Christian School received full support from the Synod of Gereja Kristus Yesus (GKY)' in Jakarta. While our school community warmly embraces students and parents from diverse faiths and cultural backgrounds, our core ethos, values, and principles are deeply rooted in the Christian faith and tradition.

Today, we proudly celebrate a vibrant community comprising over 11,500 students and 1,300 teachers across 16 campuses spanning Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Palembang, Balikpapan, and Makassar.

Gray Cross


"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and instruction."
(Proverbs 1:7)

We believe in a God-centered education that emanates from the self-revelation of God given to humankind in the inspired, infallible and authoritative Word of God, the Bible.

We believe that God wants to enter into personal relationship with human beings. He has made himself known in the Bible and in His Son, Jesus Christ, God incarnate.

He has also revealed Himself through created order (Romans 1), human conscience (Romans 2), and through the unfolding of events in history.

As God’s image bearers we have the capacity to perceive and comprehend God’s self-revelation. Yet, due to sin and willful disobedience humans may suppress and reject this self-revelation (Romans 1:18).

We desire that all students understand the fear of the Lord and enjoy a personal relationship through faith in Jesus Christ. In addition, teachers want students to bring the mind of Christ to all subjects and
to know God through all the subjects.

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Gray Cross
News & Events
Enroll Now for the 2025/2026 School Year at IPEKA Christian…

New student enrollment for the 2025/2026 academic year is now open at IPEKA Christian School!…

IPEKA Integrated Christian School Welcomes Dallas Chinese Baptist Church Mission…

On July 16, 2024, IPEKA Integrated Christian School (IICS) was honored to host the Dallas…

Let’s Build a Reading Culture from an Early Age

Many people say that books are windows to the world.  Books can take us anywhere because they provide knowledge but books are also a pleasure and satisfaction for their readers.  Not only that, but reading also trains the brain to think critically and analyze problems that arise during the reading. Among young people today, reading […]

Involving Kids in Holiday Planning

Let Your Kids Plan Vacation Trips

What are some of your fondest family memories from childhood? For many, family trips and holiday vacations are some of the most powerful memories one can have. Family vacations are cherished experiences where everyone is enjoying their time together bonding and sharing their time with one another. With that said, if you’re planning a holiday […]

Improve Children Thinking Skills

Classic Games to Improve Thinking Skills

When it comes to improving critical thinking and cognition skills, we often associate it with intense brain exercises and problem-solving activities. While these are great, they can be challenging to implement on a consistent basis, especially for the younger audience. Luckily, there are more fun and enjoyable ways to sharpen your mind and improve thinking […]

Gray Cross

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