Month: October 2022
Let’s Take a Peek at the First IPEKA Student Council…
IPEKA Student Council Network or ISCN is a forum for collaboration and communication that works…
IPEKA CPI is Ready for International Standard Education in July…
Construction of the IPEKA Center Point of Indonesia (CPI) Christian School began on April 1…
IPEKA Junior High School Students Participate in Onsite Retreat Themed…
The age of children growing up is the age where a person should be formed…
IPEKA Pluit Senior High School Student Won Silver Medal in…
Praise God, congratulations to Felicia Odelia W., student of SMAK IPEKA Pluit for her achievement…
IPEKA Conducts Training Activities for Teachers & Employees
On 4-5 October 2022, IPEKA Christian School held IICS Professional Development Day (PDD) and Google…
Happy National Batik Day 2022, Let’s Check Out the History!
National Batik Day is a day of national celebration in Indonesia to commemorate the designation…
Let’s Commemorate Pancasila Sanctity Day by Rising and Moving Together…
Pancasila Sanctity Day is celebrated on October 1 every year in Indonesia. This year, the…
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